Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Top 10 Home Based Business Ideas For Stay At Home Moms ...

With so many mothers choosing to stay home with young children, families often find themselves struggling to make ends meet.  The top 10 home based business ideas that serve such women and their families offer flexible schedules, reasonable income potential and an opportunity to use personal skills to their best advantage.

1.    Child Care ??? If you are already staying home with your children and have the space, taking in some additional children is a good way to make some money.  Each state has specific regulations that you must address, but for small childcare facility, usually less than 5 children, the requirements are minimal.
2.    Freelance Typing ??? Even with the easy availability of computers and word processing programs, the ability to type quickly and accurately remains in high demand.  If you can find this kind of work and are good with deadlines, and willing to spend time typing, this can be a viable venture.
3.    Medical Claims Billing ??? Generally speaking, to get this kind of work you will be an independent contractor for a larger firm.  Training is provided, and a keen eye for detailed work is essential.  Basic computer skills and a flexible schedule are important assets.
4.    Customer Service Representative ??? Always in high demand, customer service people now work from home more often than not.  You need to be able to commit to specific hours each week, but you work from your home, using your own computer and phone lines.
5.    Catering ??? Believe it or not, there is a great deal of demand for small scale catering.  If you love to cook, have unique skills in the kitchen and can work around your children?s schedules this may be a great option.  Design a simple menu to start from, and look for small luncheons and church gatherings as your first clients.  Do a good job and your business can take off like a rocket.
6.    Accounting ??? Many small businesses need a part time accountant to help keep the books, file taxes and perform other financial tasks.  It doesn?t pay for them to keep an accountant on staff, but the services are necessary.  If you have training in this field, it doesn?t take much to set up your own company.
7.    Affiliate Programs ??? If you already maintain a blog or two online, then adding an affiliate program doesn?t take much effort.  There are several reliable services that will help you hook up with affiliate companies that are interested in advertising on your blog, and will pay you for referring clients.
8.    Online Publishing ??? Share your knowledge with the world.  Write and publish eBooks through one of the many online publishing firms, or simply through your own website.
9.    Virtual Assistant ??? Many small companies need some assistance managing phone contacts and maintaining appointment books.  If you have a knack for organization and good people skills, this is a good way to work part time from home.
10.    Crafting ??? Homemade goods always sell well, especially around Christmas, Mother?s Day and other holidays.  If you have a particular skill, whether it is sewing, painting or creating scrapbook pages, you can turn that talent into income.

Source: http://headlinenews.talkposts.com/2012/09/25/the-top-10-home-based-business-ideas-for-stay-at-home-moms-2/

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