Friday, September 28, 2012

ITEXPO Party Sponsor OnSIP's Mike Oeth on VAR and UC Trends


This is really about OnSIP and their collaboration with others who are sponsoring the All Conference Party for ITEXPO West 2012, but first check out their OnSIP customers at It is a star-studded list that includes Mozilla, Tumblr, TaskRabbit, Pandora (my favorite radio streaming service) and Cloudera!

But hold on, veryone knows what an avid proponent of active conference and exhibition activities I am. You know, the ones that enable attendees to do more than just trading business cards, visiting booths, listening to lectures and staring at Power Point presentations. I'm talking about collaborative/competitive activities such as golf or bowling, All Conference Parties, receptions, Fun Runs, and city tours of unique and innovative technology in use. These activities help people to mix and talk! ITEXPO West 2012 in Austin has an "in-the-know" collection of All Conference Party sponsors who know this to be a fact: OnSIP, DIDX, Coredial, Taqua, and Conexiant.

Junction Networks' OnSIP CEO Mike Oeth is in agreement with me on the premise of being in-tune ?to event participants' need to really interact in entertaining ways while developing business. He agreed to let me record a short conversation with him that I would like to share with you.?

Click to hear audio podcast between Mike Oeth of OnSIP and Suzanne Bowen, public communications entrepreneur and DIDX co-founder.

Some highlights of our talk:

1. Listen to OnSIP IVR. It has a warm and welcoming voice. I liked it and wondered whose voice it is.

2. Some interesting trivia about Mike that I found via research:

a. He's a Harvard Economics graduate. I found that out through research. Pretty impressive!

b. OnSIP is headquartered in Manhattan.

c. Mr. Oeth is a popular speaker.

3. About OnSIP ... a hosted platform that completely replaces a PBX system, has over 15K SMB customers; most growth is through their reseller/VAR program.

4. Their VAR program does not charge per User per Phone per Extension (the most common method of VAR or even white label hosted platform services). Nice!

5. Around 05:27.9 point in the podcast, Mike explains how they work with VARs and resellers and how they are able to not charge per User per Phone per Extension like most other VoIP companies do.

6. The advantages of unified communications, voIP, and the like for educational systems such as universities and libraries, cutting cost up to 80 %. For example, why pay a higher price for unlimited calling when calls are only made from certain locations in an institution to other locations in the same institution physically or remotely. That's the beauty of SIP.

7. The power and control that unified communications gives users such as answering and making calls from many different devices and methods: cell phone, wired IP phone, soft phone on Internet device, or even web-browser based phone.

Listen to Mike share how MyOnSIP can change your work style to be more convenient and effective about the point of 14:11.7 in the podcast. It's all about "presence" when you need it to get things done efficiently.


Meet with OnSIP, DIDX and thousands of other ITEXPO West participants at the exhibition, conference, and All Conference Party.?Plus, Mike Oeth is a presenter on the?


(A bit more about Mike Oeth ... He is the CEO of Junction Networks, creators of OnSIP and winner of a TMC 2011 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award. Mike graduated from Harvard College in 1991 with a degree in Economics and has since become a technology veteran. He has held multiple senior level positions throughout the industry in software, telecommunications managed services, and the Internet. Mr. Oeth has served as the CTO of LivePerson, Inc | Nasdaq: LPSN |. He's been featured in the InfoWorld Magazine and has presented at public gatherings such as the CTO Forum.


Today, Mike and his team promote OnSIP, a leading hosted communications service used by over 15,000 smlpall and medium-sized businesses. Headquartered in Manhattan, OnSIP is one of the sponsors of ITEXPO West 2012 All Conference Party. )


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