Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Gangnam Style" Helps You Lose Weight

I guess people all over the world are very familiar with "Gangnam Style". This year, it becomes so popular which brings us a new highlight in our life. This music video shows PSY performing a comical horse-riding dance and appearing in unexpected locations around the Gangnam District, such as an outdoor yoga session and a hot tub. He wears several distinctive suits and black sunglasses with a mindset of "dress classy and dance cheesy".

Believe it or not, the exaggerated horse-riding dance in "Gangnam Style" could help you lose weight. Let's take a look at how it works.

The "Gangnam Style" repeats five syllables four times every 3.6 seconds. While in the whole song, the rhythm of the five syllables is repeated more than 100 times. This kind of beat makes people's heart rate almost the same as the status after jogging for half an hour. This is also the most exciting moments. When people hear the beat, they will unconsciously sway their body or dance. When you are dancing, your body is in the state of motion. This will accelerate the myocardial contractility, increase the cardiac output, accelerate blood flow, strengthen the breathing and so on. This is really a good exercise for your cardiopulmonary system. The light music and the funny emotions can relax the muscle tension and improve blood circulation. Horse-riding dance also has the effect of weight loss. Do you want to have a try?

1. The classical horse-riding dance
The knees accept sustained force which is equivalent to climbing. You can do it like this: Half squat and cross your hand and wrist in front. Go one step left, one step right, and then three steps left, three steps right. Keep repeatedly exchanging. This action has a high demanding for your knees because you should keep half squat. This action frequently appears in the MV. If you are trying to dance in accordance with the full set of actions in the MV, you will be very tired. You will need large amount of exercise for the dance. So, it is benefit for you to lose weight.

2. The warm-up actions are suitable for the people who often sit in the office. You can do it like this: Put your hands on your hips, swing back and forth, kick left and right. This action is good. If you always sit in your office and lack exercise, you can stand up and do these actions for a while. Even when you go to drink water, you can jump according to these actions to relax your body. You will be full of energy and it is also good for you to improve the working efficiency.

3. The former stance looks similar to the morning exercises. You should stretch the muscles and straight your back. This will be good for you to exercise the leg muscles. It also will help you show the figure of your legs.

Above are simple steps of this funny "Gangnam Style". Of course, if you want to learn the whole dance, you'd better purchase a DVD or you can download a video from the internet, and then learn how to move your body according to the video. If you download the video and need to convert mpeg mac, this mac mpeg converter will help you a lot. After you master how to dance, you can also record a video of yourself and share it on YouTube too.

About the Author

If you mastered this dance, you can share with us. If you want to know more details about video converting method, you can also refer to convert mov to mpeg mac, convert mpg to flv mac.

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