Monday, November 19, 2012

Pressure of Celebrity Baby Weight Loss | Fitnessbuster by Gillian ...

November 19th, 2012?????? no comments???

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /


I find that when a woman has a baby, increasingly there is pressure on them from different segments of society to snap back into shape quickly and lose that baby weight, even for us trainers. How realistic is this, should this really be where?your focus is.


The media is constantly filled with headlines, on celebrities losing large amounts of weight after having their baby?s in a very short time frame. Sometimes it seems the more controversial the method used the more interest it generates. The problem is that some non celebrity mothers take the advice on board, putting it into practise to assist them in losing their baby weight.


It may be a heavy burden to shoulder but celebrities have to realise that, being in the lime light comes with responsibility. Like it or not they are acting as role models and their actions will be replicated, good or bad.


Some methods used by celebrities to lose baby weight are very low calorie diets, this is a dangerous method in which to lose weight. The body would not have sufficient energy, or the right mix of nutrients for day to day functions, which may lead to a number of health problems. Also as soon as normal eating is resumed the weight would pile back on. A better approach is to cut out unnecessary high fat and sugar filled food items, which fill you with empty calories and encourage weight gain. Instead incorporate eating more vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, pulses, wholegrain carbohydrates for your energy and nutrient needs, they?ll also encourage fat loss.


Other methods used are very intense and high impact workout sessions done quite soon after delivery. The body undergoes many changes during pregnancy which need to be addressed, to prevent and reduce the risk of ongoing issues like pelvic floor muscle weakness/pain, lower back pain and the dreaded mummy tummy. So the first stage of exercising should be about, building back up the strength in your pelvic floor and core muscles. Later you can then progress, to shifting the focus to fat loss with higher intensity exercises.


It?s worth being patient and investing the time to regain your pre baby body in the right way, through a healthy balanced diet and a targeted post natal exercise program. In addition to this remember you?ve now got, a?lovely cute?baby to get to know so enjoy this time.


Does the media coverage of celebrity successful baby weight loss, put pressure on you to lose your body weight or have you gone for the slower but sustainable approach? Thanks for commenting.


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