Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Portland Pest Control Services - An Ounce of Prevention is Critical ...

Mosquitoes; they can bite you and they can bring disease. The very best way to tackle mosquitoes is with prevention. Prevention is the best measure against mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are attracted to humans by a variety of things. Amongst the many reason can be are:

* Exposed skin * Dark Colors * Thick Weeds * Lactic Acid * Smelly Socks * Carbon Dioxide * Warm Skin &Persperation * Perfumes and Colognes * Body Heat * A Semiochemical Chemical we all release called Nonanal * Incandescent Lighting * Standing Water

It is a long list! It would appear that the best way to prevent mosquitoes from making a quick meal of our blood (oh yes they're blood sucking little pests) are all about trying to avoid the above from our lives. If we can somehow stop breathing (and emitting carbon dioxide) for instance then mosquitoes might go away. The same would apply for body heat, standing water, and thick weeds. We could also switch off the lights and forever stay in dark rooms. If only we could . . .

Fortunately it is actually pretty simple to prevent mosquitoes from attaching themselves to you and your surroundings. Make sure there is no stagnant water around your house. Look everywhere; do not ignore anything. Throw out water from pots, old tires, water coolers and any other receptacles that are capable of holding water you can find around your house. Stagnant water is where mosquitoes lay their eggs.

If there is no stagnant water larvae will not be produced and that is the end of the mosquito population. If you have a pond which cannot be emptied, then introduce Gambusia fish also known as mosquito fish into the pond. These are fish which thrive on mosquito larvae. They will proceed to clean-up your pond of larvae. No larvae will mean no mosquitoes in the long run. Then there is the plant citronella. It works well to drive away mosquitoes. It is such an effective way of keeping mosquitoes at bay that almost all repellent creams and diffuser oils have some degree of citronella extract in them. Plant it around the house to setup a periphery watch of sorts.

Finally the barrier method works for everything, from contraception to mosquitoes. Setup a mosquito screen on your windows and doors. This will help to ensure mosquitoes do not home in onto the lights that come on inside your house.

It is really pretty simple to tackle mosquitoes. In most cases all it takes is preventive maintenance. If you mosquito problem too big for you to handle, then seek the services of a skilled professional.


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