Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Domain Name Registration for Personal, Private Email Service | The ...

Online privacy concerns are become more and more of an issue with Internet use. With the increasing use of social media sites like facebook, twitter, linked-in, many people have focussed their online privacy concerns to these sites and forgotten privacy concerns with other types on online presence, like their email use.

Providers of free email service like gmail undeniably have a technically excellent product, at an unbeatable price, at least in terms of dollars paid by the end user for their service. The real price for the service however is your privacy.

Gmail has a practice called ?content extraction?, which is used on every email that goes through their system. ?If you?re using a gmail account, either directly or with forwarding, every email you send and receive through gmail is being analyzed for its content. ?If you?ve signed up with gmail, then you have agreed via their terms of service to allow this.

If however you have not signed up with gmail and send an email to a gmail address, your mail will also be subject to content extraction, and that is being done without your consent, and without notification to you that your email message content will be analyzed.

Spam Filtering

It?s fair to say that if your email provider is filtering your mail for spam, then they are analyzing the content of your email. ?The difference here however is retention. ?Content extraction is done with the goal of keeping the analysis data that is found, whereas spam filtering simply runs, provides a likelyhood rating of whether the email is spam or ham (valid email), and then deletes the information other than the rating value itself.

What to do?

Domain name registration for your own domain name and your own email address to the rescue! ?The best way to ensure that your mail is not analyzed. ?If you use email for business, we always recommend to our customers to use email addresses based on their business domain name. ?Email is a part of your online brand. ?Your own domain name registration, either for a personal domain name or a business domain name, along with email service from a provider that does not engage in content extraction?will ensure your email remains between you and your recipient. ?Unless the recipient is on a gmail address, of course!

Tags: branding, domain name registration, domain registration, email, email services,


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