Thursday, July 19, 2012

500 international cloud researchers meet in Leipzig

500 international cloud researchers meet in Leipzig [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Jul-2012
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Contact: Tilo Arnhold
Leibniz-Institut fr Troposphrenforschung

Leipzig. From July 30 till August 3 2012, the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP 2012) will take place at the main lecture hall building of the University of Leipzig.

The conference is hosted by the Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT) and the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology (LIM) of the University of Leipzig. Both institutes are connected through a long lasting intensive cooperation, which now also manifests in the joint organization of this year's conference.

The conference at which cloud experts from all around the world meet every four years will take place in Germany only for the second time, following 1988. The ICCP is the most important and largest cloud and precipitation conference worldwide. Around 500 participants from 37 different countries will be welcomed in Leipzig to present around 650 different contributions. The Leipzig conference is expected to become the largest of all the cloud and precipitation conferences that took place so far.

The large number of participants reflects the importance of cloud research in dealing with climate change. Clouds play a crucial role in weather and climate processes and have an influence on the Earth' radiation budget. A better understanding of clouds and processes related to them is essential to improve weather forecasting (particularly precipitation) and to better quantify the present and future climate change. The importance of clouds for climate was highlighted in the last report of the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) by identifying them as the largest uncertainty in climate prediction.

In particular, topics that are dealt with at the conference include basic cloud- and precipitation-physics, genesis of different kinds of clouds, the influence of ice nuclei and cloud condensation nuclei for the development of clouds and also cloud chemistry. Currently used and newly developed measurement techniques will also be discussed. An especially exciting panel discussion on geoengineering of climate will be organized - dealing with the question if and how humans should deliberately try to alter climate.

The scientists of IfT and LIM will be well present at the conference and will add their expertise to almost all topics. For example, there will be new results from the cloud lab of IfT as well as from measurement campaigns with a helicopter borne platform and from remote sensing. Measurements performed on cloud tops in Thuriniga and also in Puerto Rico gave important insights, which will be reported. Furthermore, results from model studies and evaluations from satellite data will play an important role in the presentation.

One emphasis of the conference will be mixed phase clouds clouds which consist of ice and water simultaneously. The meteorologists from LIM will present several new results in relation to these clouds. "Among other things, we examine how to determine the level of ice included in Arctic clouds", says Prof. Manfred Wendisch, head of the LIM. "Based on that, we can develop models, which then can give us information about the Earth radiation budget." Furthermore, researchers from IfT and LIM will introduce new techniques on how to measure different parameters of clouds and precipitation.

We are excited about the fact that this important conference will take place in Leipzig. As it only takes place every four years, it's a bit like carrying out the Olympic games. This clearly shows that work that has been done in the area of atmospheric research during the past 20 years here in Leipzig is also positively acknowledged internationally," says Dr. Heike Wex from IfT, the chair of the local organization committee.


further details about ICCP: The International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) is a commission of the International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS). An objective of the ICCP is to stimulate the worldwide study and the public awareness of clouds and precipitation phenomena through the organization of conferences, workshops and symposia. The first international cloud physics meeting took place 1954 in Zurich.

Homepage of the conference:
Programm of the conference:

The conference is sponsored by DFG (German Science Foundation) and supported in part by the WMO (World meteorological Organization), the IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) and IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences).

Additional Information:
Dr. Heike Wex, Dr. Frank Stratmann
Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT)
Tel. 0341-235-2159, -2862
Mail: ,
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
Leipziger Institute for Meteorology (LIM)
Tel.: 0341-97-32-851

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500 international cloud researchers meet in Leipzig [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Jul-2012
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Contact: Tilo Arnhold
Leibniz-Institut fr Troposphrenforschung

Leipzig. From July 30 till August 3 2012, the 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP 2012) will take place at the main lecture hall building of the University of Leipzig.

The conference is hosted by the Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT) and the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology (LIM) of the University of Leipzig. Both institutes are connected through a long lasting intensive cooperation, which now also manifests in the joint organization of this year's conference.

The conference at which cloud experts from all around the world meet every four years will take place in Germany only for the second time, following 1988. The ICCP is the most important and largest cloud and precipitation conference worldwide. Around 500 participants from 37 different countries will be welcomed in Leipzig to present around 650 different contributions. The Leipzig conference is expected to become the largest of all the cloud and precipitation conferences that took place so far.

The large number of participants reflects the importance of cloud research in dealing with climate change. Clouds play a crucial role in weather and climate processes and have an influence on the Earth' radiation budget. A better understanding of clouds and processes related to them is essential to improve weather forecasting (particularly precipitation) and to better quantify the present and future climate change. The importance of clouds for climate was highlighted in the last report of the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) by identifying them as the largest uncertainty in climate prediction.

In particular, topics that are dealt with at the conference include basic cloud- and precipitation-physics, genesis of different kinds of clouds, the influence of ice nuclei and cloud condensation nuclei for the development of clouds and also cloud chemistry. Currently used and newly developed measurement techniques will also be discussed. An especially exciting panel discussion on geoengineering of climate will be organized - dealing with the question if and how humans should deliberately try to alter climate.

The scientists of IfT and LIM will be well present at the conference and will add their expertise to almost all topics. For example, there will be new results from the cloud lab of IfT as well as from measurement campaigns with a helicopter borne platform and from remote sensing. Measurements performed on cloud tops in Thuriniga and also in Puerto Rico gave important insights, which will be reported. Furthermore, results from model studies and evaluations from satellite data will play an important role in the presentation.

One emphasis of the conference will be mixed phase clouds clouds which consist of ice and water simultaneously. The meteorologists from LIM will present several new results in relation to these clouds. "Among other things, we examine how to determine the level of ice included in Arctic clouds", says Prof. Manfred Wendisch, head of the LIM. "Based on that, we can develop models, which then can give us information about the Earth radiation budget." Furthermore, researchers from IfT and LIM will introduce new techniques on how to measure different parameters of clouds and precipitation.

We are excited about the fact that this important conference will take place in Leipzig. As it only takes place every four years, it's a bit like carrying out the Olympic games. This clearly shows that work that has been done in the area of atmospheric research during the past 20 years here in Leipzig is also positively acknowledged internationally," says Dr. Heike Wex from IfT, the chair of the local organization committee.


further details about ICCP: The International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) is a commission of the International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS). An objective of the ICCP is to stimulate the worldwide study and the public awareness of clouds and precipitation phenomena through the organization of conferences, workshops and symposia. The first international cloud physics meeting took place 1954 in Zurich.

Homepage of the conference:
Programm of the conference:

The conference is sponsored by DFG (German Science Foundation) and supported in part by the WMO (World meteorological Organization), the IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) and IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences).

Additional Information:
Dr. Heike Wex, Dr. Frank Stratmann
Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT)
Tel. 0341-235-2159, -2862
Mail: ,
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wendisch
Leipziger Institute for Meteorology (LIM)
Tel.: 0341-97-32-851

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