Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Legal hash: Who owns my Twitter account @LRiddellSF?

Who owns my Twitter account @LRiddellSF?

Is it me? Or American City Business Journals?

There?s a lawsuit pending that may answer this question for all of us.

PhoneDog, a website that reviews mobile products, is suing its former blogger, Noah Kravitz, who opened a Twitter account under the name @PhoneDog_Noah and tweeted personally and for the company. When he left the company, he changed his twitter handle, but took the account and its 17,000 followers with him.

PhoneDog is suing for $340,000 in damages. And Blogger Kravitz is countersuing.

As a journalist, locked in a heated battle with biotech reporter Ron Leuty (Rleuty_biotech) regarding who can amass the most Twitter followers, the fate of this case could impact our approach to tweeting, and to marketing ourselves as journalists.

My competition with Ron, who, as a matter of full disclosure, is beating me in Twitter followers by a score of 1,411 to 1,276 as of this post, is only partially about bragging rights.

I use Twitter to market my stories and knowledge about the Bay Area cleantech sector in the hopes that by gaining more followers

A. More people will find and read my work, thereby bolstering my job security.

B. More people will find and read the Business Times, thereby bolstering my job security.

C. My company or another one might someday pay me more for that knowledge and those followers, thereby bolstering my job security.

D. I can rub it in Ron Leuty?s face.

You can see how A and B are win-wins for my company. I believe my company finds that tweeting reporters increase the company?s reach. (Also, Twitter is free!)

Option C. however is where employers are struggling.

Lindsay Riddell covers energy and cleantech for the San Francisco Business Times.


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